Classroom management is the process of making sure that lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students. It is the series of actions that teachers do to create a successful learning environment. For many teachers, it is one of the most challenging aspects of teaching. In fact, some teachers leave the profession because they find it hard to manage classrooms. Professional development aims to help educators by teaching them classroom management strategies.
Classroom management is crucial in the execution of curriculum development and developing best teaching practices. When properly executed, it will enhance learning and minimize student misbehavior. Effective teachers have strong classroom management skills. On the other hand, ineffective teachers have disorderly classrooms filled with students who are not paying attention.
While traditional classroom management focuses primarily on compliance, a more encompassing approach to classroom management involves everything that teachers can do to improve student learning. The following are some examples:
Behavior – positive attitude, happy disposition, encouraging statements
Environment – organized, well-lit classroom
Expectations – quality of work teachers expect students to produce
Materials – learning resources that teachers use
Activities – learning experiences that fuel students’ interests and curiosity
Positive Classrooms – There are four factors in positive classroom management: 1) managerial dimension – how well teachers address student behavior, 2) instructional dimension – how skillfully they teach content, 3) physical dimension – how they set up the classroom environment, and 4) spiritual dimension – how they regard their students.
Discipline without Stress – DWS is an approach which is designed to educate students about the value of internal motivation. It develops a sense of responsibility and self-discipline.
Culturally Responsive Classroom Management – CRCM takes into account the students’ backgrounds, social experiences, and learning styles in daily lessons.
The Good Behavior Game – In this approach, the class earns or loses a reward depending on whether they engage in a particular type of behavior. Teachers can use GBG to increase desired behaviors such while decreasing undesired behaviors.
Preventive techniques – This involves creating a positive classroom environment through mutual respect between teacher and student. Preventive techniques provide unconditional support, warmth, and acceptance. Rules and consequences are established; students are given consistent feedback regarding their behavior.
Teacher-student relationship – This involves the proper levels of dominance, cooperation, and the identification of high-needs students. Dominance is the teacher’s ability to provide guidance about both on academics and student behavior. A teacher can be assertive by having an erect posture, the right tone of voice, and taking action when there is inappropriate conduct.
Get your students’ attention – A teacher should not begin classes until all students are ready to pay attention. Rather than shouting or using intimidation, the teacher can engage effectively by starting off with something that will capture the interest of students.
Focus on the disruptive students – If the students are not paying attention, get them focused by using signs of disapproval. There are many ways to do this. One example would be to pause in delivering your lessons and look toward them. This should be done in ways that are positive, proactive, productive and never demeaning.
Face your students when teaching – It’s hard to focus on students if you turn your back on them while teaching. Position yourself in a way that all of the class will be visible to you no matter where you are in the classroom.
Encourage students to do their homework – Give students a reason to do their homework. If assignments are not collected and graded, the students may not have the motivation to do them. Understand that students’ home lives are different. Not all homes are set up to be supportive of homework. Give students in these situations time to complete homework in another environment such as after school study groups.
Determine the consequences for misbehavior – Establishing consequences will teach the students to be more responsible for their actions. Show the students that you are serious when it comes to classroom rules and discipline.
Classroom management is essential to effective teaching. It helps minimize student misbehavior and creates an environment conducive to learning. There are many techniques and approaches to classroom management. Professional development in education can help teachers become better educators through classroom management strategies.